Protecting your data is fundamental in every case.
You entrust it to us so that we can operate efficiently
and provide you with appropriate service, and we take care of their security.
Below, you will find more information on how we manage this.

Basic Information

In connection with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as of May 25, 2018, we would like to provide you with some essential information regarding how we process your personal data and the rights you have in connection with their processing. Our Personal Data Protection Policy outlines the principles of using and storing your data. The Personal Data Protection Policy is available here: [link to the policy] and at the office in the production facility – LABRA Sp. z o.o. at the address: 32-551 Olszyny, ul. Koszykarska 4.

Personal Data

Personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person ("the data subject"). These may include data such as name, surname, address, phone number, or email address (the list is not exhaustive).

Personal Data Administrator

The administrator of personal data is an entity that independently or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing personal data – meaning it decides how your personal data is processed and is responsible for processing them in accordance with the law. The administrator of your personal data is Labra Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Strażaków 11, 32-061 Przeginia Duchowna, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Krakow-Śródmieście in Krakow, XII Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000365994, NIP: 9442221317, REGON: 121270800.


Email at or mail to ul. Koszykarska 4, 32-551 Olszyny. We collect the following personal data:

- First name,
- Last name,
- Residential / registration / correspondence address,
- PESEL and NIP numbers,
- Email address or other form of electronic communication,
- IP address, data from social media portals,
- Name and address of the investment – the facility where you intend to use or have used equipment offered by us.